Expo Photographers in Las Vegas: West Coast Art & Frame 2018
Expo Photographers in Las Vegas: West Coast Art & Frame 2018
As expo photographers in Las Vegas, we were invited to photograph the West Coast Art & Frame Trade Show and National Conference. This expo is the place for anyone in the art or decorating world. Attendees could find interesting ways to frame their art or find new pieces. Every year they have new workshops and exciting hands-on activities for attendees to take advantage of. They share new trends as well as showing new technology and all the latest fads in the art world. They have a magazine published monthly called Picture Framing Magazine.
The Paris Hotel and Casino can be found at 3655 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109. There was so much to see! Obviously, as photographers, we loved seeing all the frames and latest techniques in the art industry. While some were listening to a speaker talk we were busy taking photos of them. It seemed as if people were so enveloped in what the speaker was saying, they didn’t notice us taking pictures.
Art is for Everyone
As those in attendance looked around at the vendor’s items, you could see them thinking about ways they could use that item or product. There was so much to see and do. While taking our photos, we saw many photographing things they found interesting with their phones. From pictures of frames to demonstrations, it was great watching others take photos. It’s something we are personally fond of. It was fun to see that even small children enjoyed seeing what was waiting for them in the world of art.
Whether pictures of coloring kids, demonstrations from vendors or anything in between, we enjoyed capturing the happiness as expo photographers in Las Vegas at the West Coast Art & Frame 2018. Nothing beats capturing others creativity with your own. We were excited to be asked to photograph the event but didn’t expect to enjoy ourselves as much as we did. Watching people find interest in other’s work was one of the best parts of the day, but capturing the photos was the best. The photos of this event don’t to the energy justice. There is a slightly different feel when it comes to trade shows that are for the artistic crowd. It is completely indescribable. Anyone interested in art should attend an art expo like this one. It’s a fantastic experience!
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